
Theodor W. Adorno, “Marginalia to Mahler,” Telos 87 (Spring 1991).

Russell A. Berman and Robert D’Amico, “Introduction: Popular Music from Adorno to Zappa,” Telos 87 (Spring 1991).

Robert Hullot-Kentor, “The Impossibility of Music: Adorno, Popular and Other Music,” Telos 87 (Spring 1991).

Ulrich Schönherr, “Adorno and Jazz: Reflections on a Failed Encounter,” Telos 87 (Spring 1991).

Florindo Volpacchio, “The Mother of All Interviews: Zappa on Music and Society,” Telos 87 (Spring 1991).

Florindo Volpacchio, “The Unhappy Marriage of Music and Emancipation,” Telos 87 (Spring 1991).