The Telos Press Podcast: Kenneth Johnson on Black Lives Matter and the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Save 30% on Telos 182 (Spring 2018): Martin Luther King, Jr.: Fifty Years On, a special issue dedicated to King’s life and thought, in our store. Offer expires 1/24/21.

In commemoration of the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., today’s episode of the Telos Press Podcast features a wide-ranging interview with Kenneth D. Johnson by Telos editor David Pan. Their discussion covers a variety of topics, including the influence of King on the Black Lives Matter movement, the different approaches to political activism and civil disobedience, the call to defund the police, the nature and effects of systemic racism, the role of education in expanding opportunities for the Black community, the role of government in addressing social and economic inequalities, and the question of how a universal basic income might help alleviate these problems.

In addition to being a member of Telos‘s editorial board, Ken Johnson edited Telos 182 (Spring 2018): Martin Luther King, Jr.: Fifty Years On, a special issue dedicated to King’s life and thought. We are now offering a 30% discount on Telos 182 when you purchase your copy in our store. With ten in-depth articles on King’s intellectual and political legacy, as well as an interview with King scholar David Garrow, Telos 182 is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding how Martin Luther King Jr. continues to influence us today. Read the introduction to Telos 182 here.

Listen to the podcast here.

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